The following code must be placed at the very top of your post, and should not be directly followed by any line breaks (enter key). This code is for linking a fit, and can only hold 1 link, so it's best to get everything into 1 image before using this code. If you look directly to the left of this message you should see an eye. This is how you link a fit on this board. In any other post, clicking this eye should direct you to said characters outfit for said post. The code is as follows: (replace the linktofitgoeshere text with your url.)


<a class="view-fit" href="linktofitgoeshere"><img src=""></a>

This is dialogue.



This is npc dialogue.



This is received text.


<div class="incoming-text">yourtexthere</div>

This is sent text.


<div class="outgoing-text">yourtexthere</div>